Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Hand

The hand
That pinches me
Hits me
Always be ready to squeeze my pimples with devilish face

The hand
That pinches my nose when another hand is holding a book to read for me
Rubs my head but never fixes after that and laugh because of the look of me
Wipes on my shirts when it's wet or something is sticking on it
And puts pepper or soya sauce into my drinks

The hand
That cheats whenever playing some game
That secretly throws meat to me and steals my mouse
Punches hippo
Throws hippo
And digs his noses

The hand
That pulls my pants
Being noty to block me from going to the toilet
Purposely hits outside to make me run while playing ping pong or badminton
That pulls my ears
And happily picks 'things' in there out for me

The hand
That plucks my legs' hair
Steals my drinks
Tickles my feet
Unties my shoelaces
As well as throwing my slippers away

But then that hand
Leads me to where I should buy another slippers
And if I've ever almost fell down
It is there to hold me tight

The hand
That covers my eyes
From violent scene, or something I'm scared of
And it silently takes my tears away
While another one is hugging me from shivering

The hand
That can't draw well neither be able to cut straight
Yet it makes for me a handmade birthday card

The hand
That captures my moments
Patiently fixes the kite
Checks if I'm inside
And finally is always silently covering blanket

The hand
That washes dishes
Cleans my fan
That buy Strepsil for noty throat
And hugs me when I am sick and no electric available

The hand
That drives me to happiness
Stops me from danger
And wraps around me just to say goodbye

The hand
That holds umbrella outside
Waiting while it was raining heavily
Keep rubbing me if I was not warm enough
And if I keep sweating due to hot
The hand is there to wipe for me

The hand
That holds my shoulders when I'm riding
Pats on me to signal me to go
Holds the helmet when it's going to fly away
Or holds a cup for me whenever I need to drink
And zips up my jacket if I ever say that I'm cold

The hand
That buys lunch for me
Hold me while changing gear
After running under the rain afraid I will be hungry at home
That helps me to apply eye drop
And washes hair for me

That same hand
Peels crabs
Takes vegy
And cook many things for me

The hand
Not hard, not dry, nor strong enough
But soft, fragile, and easy to 'run away'
Yet is the tightest and the warmest hand that I'm proud to have...
But I'm willing to let it go to fly high

Thanks for everything, the hand...
Stay warm and peaceful...